We can know that layers usually show in the cover. But if we use layers to make a dairy note, what will happen? Making this kind of dairy note was really popular in China. Also, old fashion became popular these years. So, you can see that this elements are kind of old fashion. The leaves are transparency that we can see the background behind it. And the colors are similar, so it looks comfortable. In general, this layout are good although it looks irregular. In this dairy note, we also can see the combination between layers and transparency. Actually, I think transparency is kind of layers. Because it something is transparency, you can see the thing behind it, and that is layers. Look at the round one. In Chinese, we call it "火漆印章", maybe fire lacquer seal in English. It originally should appear in the cover of the envelop. But it doesn't look obtrusive here, it looks luxurious. Layers is a ...