
In this term, I learned a lot from seeing others' blogs and giving comments to them. At first, I didn't know what should do. But after reading first chapter, I have a flash of light. The first blog I wrote was about Chinese characters, and I really like to use the knowledge and aesthetic angle to do some art project combining with Chinese elements. Recently, I saw an animation made in China, Heaven Official's Blessing, and I really like the art which has traditional Chinese elements. I really want to do some art like this. And I'm major in film, so, if I have chance, I will add some Chinese elements in the video. 

Actually, I feel really comfortable to put my work in the public digital landscape. I like to share my opinion to other people, and if someone give comments to me, I really appreciate about that. Also, I saw a lot of excellent blogs and learned a lot from them. For example, in the last blog, I draw a process of uploading to describe the motion in my mind. And I saw some people used real photos to describe it. And they described implied motion accurately and excellent. So, I can get more knowledge or different angle to see the world. 

To be honest, I know some knowledge before I read the book, but they are scattered and uncertain. So, I collected those scattered knowledge together when I read each chapter. And I pretty sure that I opened the way to see the world. In the pixel art chapter, I got an ability to use small grids to draw a picture. And then I found that when I see the flash light, I can see it as a pixel art automatically. That's strange but interesting! I know that this is not a big change, but knowledge always slowly penetrates into our brains. I believe that one day I will use the knowledge I learned this term to see a different world.




Pixel and Grid
